Everyone Will Be Famous For Fifteen Minutes-Andy Warhol

New York is one of the cities where fashion, art and design is a lifestyle. This week the city is wide open with one of their most important celebrations: The Fashion Week.

Fashion and art go hand in hand and this great city has become the core of many great artists who were and still are a big influence.

Fifteen Minutes-Andy Warhol

One is Andy Warhol who was and is known worldwide for his crucial role in the birth of Pop Art. His work, his life and his bold polemics media relations put this artist as a guru of modernity. His revolutionary work and statements like “In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes” placed him among the most influential artists of the twentieth century.

An artist who left a big mark on the world and remains highly influential to many artists and fashion designers.

It is worth remembering in this week full of creativity.