4 Season’s Trends

Galeries Lafayette decipher for you four trends that will punctuate your winter and strong pieces to have in your wardrobe. It is imperative you!

Turtleneck From the hat, the mesh is needed this season. We love its classic colors that are twiste with more flashy pieces.

Comfort also for warm trend.

Back in force for the tweed, with cuts adjusted and modernized. Very chic, it is associated with suit and tie to look like a modern dandy.

4 Season's Trends

Further, it is available in the accessories, bag with scarf, perfect for British influence.

In strips or mixed, add the colors and dare the wildest associations. Bang Bang for piping that brings a touch flashy graphics and tonic. Note the color fantasy that awakens all silhouettes.

Urban and casual, denim invites all changing and redefining its proportions. With the cut jeggings, joins the beautiful comfort. Accompanied by a parka or leather, it also knows how to rock that casual!