Want to start Christmas a very good start? If so you can not miss the offer presents you the versatile publishing.
With the arrival of the holidays Versatile want to wear it very easy for you hit with the best gift and it launches three fantastic packs:
Pack Christmas Fantasica Youth
Would you like time travel and meet the New York of the early twentieth century and EntreMundos of London today? Then your pack is to Saga Witch by Carolyn MacCullough and The Mark of the Demon Sarah Rees-Brennan.
Romantic Christmas Pack
Why instead you feel romantic and want to live a thousand and one feelings? For this you have to sign up to the Club of Cinco de Milly Johnson that will give you a shot of self-esteem, laughter and love.
And if that does not have enough, go for the funny story between a GEO Spanish actress and Hollywood from the hand of Megan Maxwell and What about you do you care?
Christmas Pack Adult Fantasy
Or would discover the power struggles that dominate the underworld of Seattle? For this just choose Cry Wolf and The Emerald City of Patricia Briggs.