Whether you have a collection to produce for a college assessment, a one-off piece to design to showcase your talents as a designer, or a whole line of clothing to manufacture and sell, you need a high quality manufacturer. Picking the right factory to produce your clothing is essential.
But when you are more interested in the design and the creative side of the business, it can be hard to pay attention to the logistical need for the right factory. But in order to make a success of your clothing, you need to look at aspects like this. When you are searching for a UK factory to produce anything from a one-off item to a mass-produced line, ask these questions first:
1. Can You Find a Recommendation?
It is a good thing if you can get a recommendation for a good factory from a colleague or friend. But often designers are not keen to give out their recommendations to other designers for fear of them taking a great factory away from them – it’s a competitive industry. You can also get recommendations by looking at who factories have worked with – you can usually find this from websites. If you cannot get a recommendation, look for expertise, qualifications, and years in the business.
2. What Do You Want the Factory to Do?
There are a variety of tasks that factories can assist with when manufacturing clothing, and you probably don’t need all of these depending on your plans. It is therefore essential that you think about what exactly you need the factory to do for you. Because it stands to reason that the more the factory does, the more it will cost you. Think about whether you need someone to create patterns from a fashion sketch, or get the materials you need from a pattern you already have. Ask the clothing manufacturers uk what services they offer and how they differ in price, and from other manufacturers.
3. Where Do You Want to Manufacture?
Manufacturing overseas is not for everyone. It may appear cheaper on the surface but think about the extra things you will need to pay for, including transport of the finished goods – and consider the extra amount of time you will need to leave. Clothing manufacturing overseas can also be plagued with difficulties, from language difficulties to quality control difficulties. It is a good idea to start local with your factory search. Choosing a UK factory means you can more easily check patterns and make changes. You can also visit the factory before you make up your mind, so you can be sure you are making the right decision.
Image: Image courtesy of czoborraul/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net