Four Ways to Improve Your Smile

Everyone wants to have a smile they are proud of. Being self-conscious about your smile can negatively affect other aspects of your life and prevent you from relaxing and having fun. There is no blueprint for the perfect smile. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way. The key is feeling confident about the way you present yourself to the world, and therefore improving your smile can give you that boost.

Your smile is about more than just your teeth. Your lips, gums, and the way your smile all impact the complete look. If you are feeling less than great about your current smile, here are five ways to help you improve it.

Exfoliate your lips

Dry, chapped lips will dramatically impact the look of your smile. Split and flaky skin on your lips can be painful and does not look appealing. Plus, it will physically make it harder to smile naturally. Lubricating your lips is part of the step, but the key is to address the problem at its core. Exfoliating your lips is just as important as exfoliating your face and should not be overlooked. Using a gentle scrub each day will help remove the dead skin build-up and help your lips shine.

Have dental work done

If you are unhappy with the current state of your teeth, you may want to consider having dental work done. If you are missing teeth or have incredibly crooked teeth, you will feel self-conscious about smiling. That is not to say that if you have a small gap or your teeth are slightly uneven that you need dental work. It comes down to how you feel. Dental implants from can be a godsend for those who have lost teeth, especially their front teeth, due to accidents or decay. With dental technology changing, there are so many options to help straighten your teeth as well without traditional braces, so it isworth getting a professional opinion.

Reduce staining

Having white and sparkly teeth is a great way to improve your smile. Many factors contribute to staining in your teeth, including smoking, drinking black coffee, and eating dark-colored foods. Professional whitening is a great way to help buffer off those surface-level stains and help your teeth shine. It is also important to brush your teeth after eating dark food like beets or berries and try to drink pigmented and carbonated beverages through a straw.


Practice makes perfect. The more you practice your smile, the more you will feel confident and know what looks best for your face. It might feel silly, but practice smiling in the mirror. Turn your head in different ways, and give your best, most natural smile. Relax your jaw and avoid clenching your teeth together. Always maintain a small gap between your top and bottom teeth. It will help your face to look a lot more relaxed. Lift your eyebrows and open your eyes slightly more than normal to bring some brightness to your face.