The Best Therapy Services to Look for in Assisted Living Homes

With advancing years, the body can go through a number of changes that can directly affect the health and fitness of your elderly family members. Metabolism can slow down, while joints can ache much more. Fortunately, the right therapeutic health services such as physiotherapy or speech therapy in the assisted living facility you’ve chosen for your beloved seniors can do wonders in improving their quality of life. It is, therefore, imperative to choose the right senior nursing home that offers various therapeutic services.

Here are five key therapies that can make a significant difference to the pain levels and active functioning of your elderly loved ones.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help aging adults with conditions including arthritis, joint replacement, cancer, and balance challenges. Specialized physical therapy can also help with a number of other pain and muscle soreness issues among the elderly. For this reason, geriatric physical therapy at memory care and assisted living facilities St Louis seeks to help residents perform gentle, regular exercise under supervised care. The therapy programs are designed to help restore or improve mobility, promote fitness levels, and decrease overall pain.

Speech Therapy

As you age, you can face a number of health challenges that can affect the ability to speak, sing, or swallow food. Speech and swallowing challenges can crop up after strokes, dementia, brain injuries, and other neurological conditions. Speech therapy geared towards geriatric adults seeks to address these challenges via gentle, regular intervention. Speech therapy can help improve weakened vocal cords, reduce the risk of choking due to swallowing problems, and improve overall speech and motor function.

Restorative Therapy

Restorative therapy focuses on helping elderly adults maintain an independent lifestyle as much as possible. This type of therapy takes a more holistic approach than, say, physical or occupational therapies. Restorative therapy usually takes place over a longer period of time to help seniors improve or regain their abilities for daily activities such as personal care and preparing their own meals.

Pet Therapy

There is a growing body of research that pet-assisted therapy and pet ownership can lead to greater life satisfaction, lower stress levels, and lower incidence of depression among the elderly. Pet therapy can also help with loneliness and social support. It can also improve overall health, including cardiovascular health.

Music and Art Therapy

Several scientific studies have shown the important role of music and art therapy in decreasing the rate of cognitive decline, maintaining creativity, and reducing anxiety and depression levels. For dementia patients especially, music therapy has been shown to help immensely when used as one of the first-line non-pharmacological treatments. Art therapy involving dance, drama, and art has also been shown to reduce depressive symptoms and boost memory and cognition among elderly adults.

Therapeutic health services can make a vast difference in the happiness and energy levels of your beloved senior family members. Choose the right care facility that offers a variety of soothing and rejuvenating therapy services.