The baroque style is oriental fashion trends autumn–winter 2012-2013. Decryption and shopping selections on the program!
Now tame style “baroque oriental.” (And do not miss the report on fashion trends autumn-winter 2012-2013!)
Jaded by the monotony and fall? Not for long: the baroque oriental lands in your closet, full of colors, gilding and sun. What tsetse fly bite has been creative? Revolutions that rocked North Africa and the opening of the Department of Islamic Art at the Louvre there are probably no stranger … The creator s were naturally inspired colors and details gleaming brightly colored tales of the Thousand and One Nights.

Baroque style oriental on podiums:
The craftsmanship is showcased: the precious moucharabieh chiseled scarves flowering of Eastern Europe, with a good dose escalation rococo-golden-blingblingo … As usual the creators do as their head, swing tags at the outlet and mix all these influences into a colorful merry mess: the models are rolled as nems in or Persian rugs are dipping in baths of gemstones, it’s all good as long as it shines!
And in real life, what happens?
I warn you now, it does not look like the quiet. Not to look like a tourist trap stall and walking like a rattling car newlyweds which have hanging pots, bet on black and accessorize.

Focus on floral motifs in shades of red and pink with touches of gold on accessories. For example, this tapestry print leggings with some jewelry and a flashy black blouse to temper. If you are really in need of gold, studded boots to add a touch more rock.
Completely platform-pitched (that is to say the case), or embroidered ballerina (wiser but less dangerous), you can attach this little dress with floral tights in lace camisole and collar embroidered with stones. Do not hesitate to give a second life to your old sequined pair shoes with this tutorial Emilie!