Coco Chanel has rightly said, “When accessorizing, always take off the last thing you put on”.
Each and every woman wants to look good. But looking good is not enough; you have to dress according to the occasion. You cannot wear heavy jewellery for an office function and conversely, you simply can’t be seen wearing a simple pendant necklace for a wedding…not without raising some eyebrows at least.
Moreover, if dating is on your list then you cannot be possibly wearing the same thing for a date as you would wear to a beach. So, it shows that some degree of sensibility is required for dressing up…and we call it “Event Wear”
While on a date…
You should wear the most exclusive pieces to reflect the splendor and greatness of your persona for a date. Look fetching without giving the “Come hither” message. We don’t want our date to keep glancing at our earrings. So wear delicate jewellery that will add to your beauty, rather than take away the attention from your face.
Beach Wear…
On the other hand, wear the most fashionable, funky and light piece for a beach. Here jewellery you can flaunt is ‘kamarpatta’. A waist band around your slim hips will raise the temperature at the beach!!! Also try ‘bajubandh’. Flaunt a side band rather than a bangle…
In an attempt to look gorgeous, sometimes girls overdo their look. They get a bit carried away with accessorizing and end up looking funny adorned with ornaments.
Overdone – You are done!!!…
Some wear all their jewelry pieces at a time, all at once. But as a matter of fact, this makes you look over-the-top, thus failing in your attempt of looking extra gorgeous. To wear all their jewelry, all at the same time, shows lack of style. More over; it is an exercise in futility. It also projects a character of “attention-seeker” in the person. Instead, understand the occasion and take signature pieces to compliment the outfit.
Women should realize that beauty lies in simplicity. Sometimes you feel you’ve got such an amazing outfit together, and with the perfect accessories you will look wonderful.
But most of the times in trying to look good, a woman overdoes her accessories.
Accessorizing has one key rule; you cannot overdo or under do your jewelry. Tricky haa!
Both under doing and over doing can reduce the magnificence of your persona. One cannot wear heavy necklace to a movie theatre, thinking they will look glamorous. Even if that necklace is the most beautiful necklace they own. Thus dressing according to the occasion is a must…if you don’t know how learn, ask, read.
So, keeping it simple and dressing appropriately according to the event, are the most vital and inevitable style mantras that has to be kept in mind. This will not just enhance your glamour, but will also add the extra allure to your overall persona.
So, go ahead, dress up and dress well…You are Gorgeous