For lovers of Victorian atmosphere and magic movies you Lanvin Jewelry Collection for Fall and Winter 2012 – 2013

House Lanvin has designed these wonderful group inspired by American billionaire Jewelry Collection “Barbara Hutton” .. The group is composed of necklaces with the size of very large jewelry, pins brooches, and bracelets.

The piece of jewelry something unique can add character to any outfit.


One of the best pieces of distinctive necklace above which is characterized by red glass stones in a very magnificence, each of which is a topic in the framework of small white stones and a small black beans and black provided, and fit these stones with earrings in the same way .. And there is also Qladtan with large stones green and blue.

Among other great jewelry pieces there pin brooches in the shape of an eye, and a necklace with an ornament in the form of a tiger head pass through the braided leather bar and the head of the tiger Jewelry at the eyes and mouth.

You know that the jewelry stones sizes very large draw attention to it, so if I wore one of those jewels, all other jewelry that she Stertdenha to be very simple.