3 Tips For Having Your Home Decor Reflect Your Personal Style

Decorating your home can be exciting yet overwhelming for many people. Especially if you don’t have a particularly strong design aesthetic yourself, it can be hard to know how to decorate or design your space so that it represents you and your family rather than just looking like a shot straight off of a home decor blog. 

If this is something that you’re struggling with, here are three tips for having your home decor reflect your personal style so that you can make your house your home. 

Start With A Piece You Love

Trying to figure out how to design your whole house in one fell swoop can be a bit much. So rather than going this route, it’s best to try to start smaller.

One great way to do this, according to Lauren DeBellis, a contributor to Real Simple, is to start with one piece for the room that you absolutely love. Ideally, you should try to make this piece somewhat of a statement piece or an anchor piece for the room. Then, when you need to make other design or decor choices for the space, you can refer back to the one piece that you love and decide what will best compliment that piece and tie your whole space together. 

Shop Around

For most people, their personality and personal style is something that’s been accumulating over years and years of experience. Because of this, you’ll want to pull from a wide variety of different sources as you pick pieces to include in your home design.

According to Taryn Williford, a contributor to Apartment Therapy, it’s wise not to get everything for your home design and decor from the same store. Rather, you should try to shop around and get pieces from all over the place. This will allow you to find items that really speak to you and will better showcase your personality as opposed to just choosing what’s most convenient. 

Incorporate Big Parts Of Your Life And History

If you’re unsure about where to start when it comes to creating a home design that really reflects who you are and what you’re about, Jessica of MyMove.com recommends that you begin by thinking about where you’ve traveled, adventures you’ve had, what your hobbies are, and what interests you. These things can all give you great fodder for decor ideas. They might even be a good excuse to travel back to that place you loved so you can get a signature piece that will tie the entire space together. 

If you’re wanting the decor of your home to reflect you as a person rather than the home decor store you happen to be shopping from, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you achieve this.